April 3, 2024

Elevate Your Record Keeping Process this Spring with Alleva

Although we may fear the opposite, the truth is that Electronic Medical Records, or EMR platforms, are safe and confidential. 

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March 15, 2024

A Smooth Transition: Steps for Successfully Migrating Your EMR with Alleva

Transitioning from an old EMR system to a new one can be a crucial but challenging process for healthcare organizations. When faced with the sunset of your current EMR, careful management is essential to ensure minimal disruptions and maintain high-quality client care. Assessing your practice's needs, evaluating various options, considering costs, collaborating with your team, and planning the implementation are all vital steps in streamlining the EMR transition. By approaching this transition with meticulous planning and a strategic mindset, you can successfully migrate to a new EMR system and propel your practice forward. If you are a behavioral health consultant or administrator seeking guidance on a smooth transition, Alleva, a leading provider of cloud-based EMR solutions, stands ready to assist in driving better clinical, financial, and operational outcomes.

Recognizing EMR Sunset and Its Implications

Why EMR Systems Sunset

EMR systems are like any other technology – they have a lifecycle. Over time, developers stop supporting older systems and focus on newer, more advanced offerings. This phase is known as 'sunset.' Various factors contribute to an EMR's sunset: outdated architecture that can no longer support emerging healthcare protocols, lack of compliance with current regulatory standards, or simply the financial impracticality of maintaining legacy systems. Additionally, older EMRs may not integrate well with the latest medical devices or software, hindering efficiency and potentially compromising client care. Therefore, recognizing the signs that your EMR is nearing its sunset is crucial to avoid abrupt disruptions in your healthcare service delivery. With Alleva, you can stay ahead of the curve, ensuring that your EMR system remains robust, compliant, and capable of providing the excellent level of care your clients expect.

Understanding the Risks of EMR Sunset

When an EMR system reaches its sunset, the risks to a healthcare practice can be significant. Without updates and support, the system becomes vulnerable to security breaches, putting client data at risk. As technology advances, an outdated EMR may no longer comply with new legal and industry standards, which could lead to legal penalties and loss of certification. Moreover, the inefficiencies of an old system can lead to longer wait times for clients and increased administrative burdens for staff, negatively impacting the overall quality of care. Potential data loss during the transition to a new EMR is another concern if the process isn't managed correctly. Alleva understands these risks and provides a structured EMR transition plan to ensure data integrity, maintain compliance, and enhance security, all while facilitating a smoother workflow for healthcare providers.

Preparing for Your EMR Transition

Assessing Your Practice's Needs

A successful EMR transition begins with a thorough assessment of your practice's needs. Consider the specific workflows, data management requirements, and client engagement strategies that are central to your operations. Evaluate how well your current EMR supports these activities and where it falls short. Think about the scalability of your new system as your practice grows, and ensure it can accommodate new services or specialties. It's also important to identify the features that are essential for your clinicians and staff, such as ease of use, mobile access, and interoperability with other healthcare systems. Alleva emphasizes the importance of aligning your EMR capabilities with your practice's long-term goals, and can help articulate these needs into a clear set of requirements that will guide you in selecting the most suitable EMR system for a seamless transition.

Navigating Costs of EMR Transition

Analyzing Cost vs. Benefit

The decision to transition to a new EMR system is not solely based on the upfront costs. A comprehensive analysis must consider the long-term benefits and potential savings. The right EMR can improve operational efficiency, reduce paperwork, and minimize errors, which can lead to substantial cost savings over time. It's essential to evaluate the return on investment by looking at the system's impact on client care, staff productivity, and overall practice profitability. Consider how the EMR will integrate with existing systems and what new capabilities it will bring. With Alleva, you can leverage a cost-effective EMR solution designed for the unique needs of behavioral health practices, ensuring that the benefits far outweigh the costs. Alleva's team helps you understand the full financial picture, ensuring that your investment in an EMR transition pays off in improved clinical outcomes and streamlined operations.

Avoiding Hidden Costs

EMR transitions can come with hidden costs that are not always apparent at first glance. To avoid unexpected expenses, it's important to scrutinize the vendor's pricing structure carefully. Look beyond the initial purchase price or subscription fee to understand costs related to data migration, customization, additional training, and ongoing support. Some vendors may charge for updates or add-ons that are essential for your practice's functioning. It's also wise to factor in the potential costs associated with downtime during the transition period. By choosing Alleva, you can benefit from transparent pricing and a full understanding of the total cost of ownership. Alleva's commitment to providing a comprehensive and upfront cost assessment ensures that your practice can budget effectively for the EMR transition, reducing the risk of encountering unforeseen expenses down the line.

Ensuring Seamless Implementation of Your New EMR

Collaborating with Teams for Smooth Transition

Collaboration is key to a smooth EMR transition. Engage with clinical, administrative, and IT staff early in the process to understand their needs and concerns. Involving team members from different departments ensures that the new EMR will address the specific challenges and workflows of each group. Establish a transition team with representatives from these areas to foster a sense of ownership and encourage active participation in the change process. This team can also serve as a communication bridge, relaying information between staff and the EMR vendor and ensuring that training and support are tailored to meet everyone's needs. Alleva works closely with your practice's transition team to facilitate effective communication, provide necessary resources, and support collaboration, making the move to a new EMR as seamless as possible for all parties involved.

Training Your Staff on Using The New EMR

Proper training is a crucial component of any EMR transition. Well-trained staff are more likely to use the system effectively, which can lead to improved client care and operational efficiencies. Develop a comprehensive training plan that includes both initial training sessions and ongoing support. This plan should be customized to address the varying skill levels and roles of each staff member. Interactive sessions, such as hands-on workshops, can be particularly effective. Additionally, create a support structure for post-implementation that includes access to help desks, user manuals, and online resources. Alleva recognizes the importance of education in the adoption process and offers tailored training programs designed to maximize the capabilities of your new EMR system. By investing in the training of your staff, Alleva helps ensure that the transition to your new EMR is successful and that your team is confident and proficient in using the new system. That's why we created our Learning Management System, Alleva University, available free of charge around the clock.

Conclusion: Harnessing the Power of Alleva in Your EMR Transition

Alleva: Your Trusted Advisor in EMR Transition

Navigating an EMR transition can be complex, but with Alleva as your trusted advisor, you have a partner every step of the way. Alleva's expertise in the behavioral health sector means that you're working with a team that understands your unique challenges and needs. From the initial assessment of your practice's requirements to the final stages of implementation and training, Alleva offers guidance and support. The commitment to building a lasting relationship with your practice doesn't end with the transition; Alleva provides continuous improvement and support to ensure that your EMR system evolves with your practice. By choosing Alleva for your EMR transition, you're not just getting a software solution; you're gaining a long-term partner dedicated to enhancing the quality of care you provide and the efficiency of your operations.

A New Era of EMR with Alleva

The transition to a new EMR system with Alleva marks the beginning of a new era for your practice. Alleva's cloud-based EMR is designed to meet the evolving demands of behavioral health care, offering a system that's as dynamic as the field itself. With features tailored to enhance client engagement, streamline workflow, and ensure compliance, Alleva's EMR solutions are more than just a product—they're a pathway to transforming the way you deliver care. The commitment to innovation and user-friendly design places Alleva at the forefront of EMR technology. As your practice enters this new era, Alleva stands by your side, continuously offering the tools and support needed to navigate the ever-changing landscape of healthcare. With Alleva, you can look forward to a future where technology enables, empowers, and elevates the important work you do every day.

If you'd like to learn more about switching to Alleva, request a quick, hassle-free demo tailored to your organization.

March 3, 2024

Boost Efficiency and Reduce Errors: Alleva and CollaborateMD’s Seamless Billing Solution

Alleva, a leading provider of electronic medical records (EMR) software for behavioral health and addiction treatment programs, has announced an expanded integration with CollaborateMD, a cloud-based medical billing and practice management solution. This partnership offers a seamless billing experience for healthcare providers, helping them streamline their billing processes and access advanced billing technology. Alleva's new Encounter Transmission Table (ETT), allows users to view, filter, and report on their billable service data, while also sharing demographic, insurance, and diagnosis information with CollaborateMD for easy claim submissions. Eliminating redundancy reduces administrative errors and improving efficiency boosts overall productivity. The collaboration between Alleva and CollaborateMD promises to be a game-changer in the behavioral healthcare industry, providing innovative solutions to optimize billing and payment processes.

Introduction to Alleva and CollaborateMD's Partnership

Alleva: An Overview of Features

Alleva's electronic medical records (EMR) software is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of behavioral health and addiction treatment providers. It offers an intuitive interface that simplifies charting, reduces manual data entry, and ensures compliance with healthcare regulations. Key features include customizable treatment plans, detailed client profiles, and secure messaging, which facilitate coordinated care and improve client outcomes. Alleva also comes with robust reporting capabilities, allowing providers to generate insights on client progress and treatment efficacy. Moreover, integrating with tools like CollaborateMD, Alleva empowers providers by streamlining the billing process, from service capture to claim submission. This integration reflects Alleva's commitment to enhancing the administrative aspects of care, enabling providers to focus on delivering quality treatment.

CollaborateMD: Transforming Medical Billing

CollaborateMD stands out in the medical billing and practice management landscape for its cloud-based platform that combines ease of use with powerful functionality. It offers real-time claim tracking, centralized billing information, and personalized support to ensure that healthcare providers can manage their finances effectively and efficiently. The system's ability to minimize claim rejections and expedite reimbursements contributes to a healthier revenue cycle for practices. CollaborateMD's advanced reporting tools provide actionable financial insights, allowing providers to make informed decisions and optimize their billing operations. The integration with Alleva further enhances CollaborateMD's capabilities, creating a unified solution that addresses the end-to-end billing needs of the healthcare industry. With its focus on accuracy, efficiency, and user experience, CollaborateMD is revolutionizing medical billing for providers across the nation.

Unveiling Seamless Billing Experience

Innovative Encounter Transmission Table (ETT)

The Encounter Transmission Table (ETT) is a standout feature in Alleva's software, reflecting a significant step forward in billing efficiency. It serves as a centralized hub where providers can review and manage all billable encounters before transmitting to CollaborateMD for processing. The ETT's filter and report functions allow for quick identification of services that are ready for billing, which helps in reducing the lag time between service delivery and claim submission. It also ensures that all necessary information is complete and accurate, thereby minimizing the chances of claim denials due to errors or omissions. This innovative tool streamlines the billing workflow, enabling providers to get a better handle on their finances and allowing for more time to be allocated to client care rather than administrative tasks.

Cross-Platform Sharing for Efficient Claims Submission

Through Alleva and CollaborateMD's integration, cross-platform sharing has been refined to facilitate efficient claims submission. The synergy between the two platforms allows for the seamless transfer of demographic, insurance, and diagnosis data directly from Alleva’s system to CollaborateMD. This interoperability eliminates the need for duplicate data entry, significantly reducing the margin for human error and ensuring that claims are submitted correctly the first time. As a result, healthcare providers experience fewer claim rejections and denials, leading to a faster reimbursement cycle. Automated data sharing not only saves time but also enhances data integrity across platforms. Such efficiency is critical for behavioral health providers who contend with the complexities of billing for mental health services, as it enables them to maintain a focus on client care while trusting the billing process to operate smoothly.

Enhancing Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)

Streamlining Billing Processes: A Solution for Redundancies

The integration of Alleva with CollaborateMD attacks the problem of redundancy head-on, offering a solution that streamlines the entire billing process within the revenue cycle management (RCM) framework. By automating data transfer and minimizing manual intervention, the partnership ensures that the billing cycle is not only faster but also more accurate. The reduction of repetitive tasks allows administrative staff to redirect their efforts towards more strategic activities that can positively impact the financial health of the practice. For instance, staff can focus on following up on unpaid claims or improving client engagement strategies. This streamlined approach is particularly beneficial for behavioral health practices where billing can be complex due to the nature of services provided. The removal of redundancies through this integration leads to a leaner, more focused RCM process, bolstering the financial backbone of healthcare providers.

Improving Efficiency: Reducing Administrative Errors

Efficiency in healthcare billing is not just about speed; it's also about accuracy. Administrative errors can be costly, leading to claim rejections, payment delays, and additional work for staff. Alleva and CollaborateMD's partnership directly addresses these issues by providing tools that help reduce errors from the outset. The Encounter Transmission Table (ETT), for example, ensures that only complete and verified billable encounters are submitted to CollaborateMD. This verification process catches common mistakes before they become problems. Additionally, the use of consistent, automated data entry reduces variability that can lead to errors. With these systems in place, healthcare providers see a decrease in denied claims and an increase in on-time payments, which are crucial for maintaining a healthy cash flow. Ultimately, the focus on reducing administrative errors through improved efficiency translates to a more robust and reliable revenue cycle for healthcare providers.

Expert Insight on the Partnership

Steve McCall's Perspective on the Collaboration

Steve McCall, CEO of Alleva, sees the combination of Alleva's EMR strengths with CollaborateMD's robust billing system as an advancement that will streamline operations significantly. McCall points out that having a unified system not only saves time but also ensures a higher level of precision in medical billing—a critical factor for the financial stability of healthcare facilities. He believes that by focusing on seamless integration, the partnership is well-positioned to set a new standard for revenue cycle management in the healthcare sector, particularly in the niche of behavioral health.

The Future of Healthcare Billing Solutions

The future of healthcare billing lies in the adoption of integrated, intelligent solutions like the one offered by the Alleva and CollaborateMD partnership. These solutions are poised to become the backbone of a more efficient and error-free billing system within the healthcare industry. As technologies continue to evolve, we can anticipate further advancements that will enhance the accuracy and speed of billing processes. The next generation of healthcare billing solutions will likely incorporate more analytics, machine learning, and automation to predict and prevent errors before they happen. The result will be a more streamlined revenue cycle that benefits both providers and clients. By staying at the forefront of these technological shifts, Alleva and CollaborateMD are setting the standard for what providers should expect from their billing systems in the years to come.

The Power of Ongoing Innovation

Ongoing innovation is the driving force behind the continuous improvement in healthcare billing solutions. The collaboration between Alleva and CollaborateMD is a testament to the power of innovation in tackling real-world challenges faced by healthcare providers. By embracing new technologies and constantly seeking to refine their offerings, these companies are not just reacting to the current market needs but also anticipating future trends. This proactive approach ensures that healthcare professionals can count on a billing solution that evolves with the changing landscape of the industry. The commitment to innovation means that providers who use Alleva and CollaborateMD will benefit from a platform that is always at the cutting edge, helping them to stay competitive and focused on delivering the highest quality of client care.

February 2, 2024

From Overwhelmed to Organized: Optimize Task Management with Alleva EMR for Behavioral Health

Trust Alleva to optimize your task management system and allow you to dedicate more time to serving those in your care.

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September 1, 2023

Helping A Loved One Who is Struggling: A Guide to Offering Support and Understanding

Remember that being there for someone does not mean having all the answers or fixing their problems, but rather showing compassion and support during their difficult times. Your kindness and empathy can go a long way in making a significant difference in their life and fostering a stronger bond between you both.

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July 31, 2023

ASAM Criteria, 4th Edition: Raising the Standard of Care for Addiction Recovery

This November, the distinguished American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) will release the Fourth Edition of The ASAM Criteria, which sets the standard for clinical care in addiction recovery. Guidelines for placement, continued stay, transfer, or discharge are followed by behavioral health programs to ensure quality care. The latest release has been informed and vetted by diverse stakeholders in response to the developing needs of the healthcare field. As a result, the updated standards for treatment help care managers make better, more objective decisions based on the established guiding principles.

The updated continuum of care promotes:

  • A CHRONIC CARE MODEL - Ongoing care for those in remission.
  • INTEGRATION OF CARE - Incorporating biomedical and psychosocial services for withdrawal management and continued care for clients with acute biomedical concerns.
  • CO-OCCURING CAPABLE CARE - Integrated care for mental health conditions.
  • ACCESS TO RECOVERY SUPPORT SERVICES - Coordination between addiction treatment programs and recovery residences.
  • HARM REDUCTION - More patient involvement in goal setting, preferences, and access to addiction medication. 

The Fourth Edition offers operating standards for the Level of Care Assessment (used to determine the recommended level of care) and the Treatment Planning Assessment (used to develop the comprehensive treatment plan.) Each multidimensional assessment must consider biological, psychological, social, and cultural contexts. A thorough evaluation of problems and strengths is vital to developing a successful, patient-centered treatment plan.

The ASAM Criteria Dimensions updates make it easier to understand and share these standards while keeping up with the changing terminology in the field. The subdimensions introduced will help the clinician make recommendations based on their findings and the patient's willingness to engage.

New chapters in The ASAM Criteria include:

  • Early Intervention and Secondary Prevention
  • Telehealth and Other Health Technologies
  • Integrating Recovery Support Services
  • Integrating Trauma-Sensitive Practices, Culturally Humble Care, and Social Determinants of Health
  • Addressing Pain
  • Addressing Cognitive Impairment 

The behavioral health programs that adopt these standards and track their metrics are more equipped to provide evidence-based care for their clients. A task-based workflow that charts progress and automates documentation improves outcomes. Alleva’s data-driven EMR helps optimize and streamline the standards compliance process. Compiling outcome data with our advanced business intelligence tools and built-in task-based documentation options helps reduce error and burnout.

If you want to learn how Alleva’s state-of-the-art EMR platform can upgrade your program to meet the highest standards of care, book a quick, hassle-free demo tailored to your needs.

May 7, 2023

Welcome to Alleva!

You've signed on. You're part of the team. Now what?

It's time to get to know us better, and lucky for you, we're an open book. (Read more about us here.)

You can rely on Alleva for all your technological needs. We're proud of what we've built to support the people on the front lines of behavioral health. When charting is quick and easy, you can focus your time and effort on providing the best possible care. With better tools for compliance and reporting, you can feel confident in your operation's growth and success.

We're proud to offer the latest and greatest technology to make your life easier and help your company to thrive!

Here are some key features you'll want to get to know right away:

  • Say Hello to Tasks
    • "Tasks" is our compliance driver. It's an automated list that displays your To-Dos so you know where to dive in. 
    • Learn more about your dashboard's “My Tasks” widget here.
  • Say Hello to Insights
    • Make your EMR data work for you. You can track your program’s progress and treatment efficacy with advanced, real-time data. Visual graphs and easy reporting features will help you make better business decisions.
    • Learn how to see the metrics you care about here.
  • Say Hello to our Client/Family Portal
    • Discover seamless care coordination from anywhere.
    • Clients and their loved ones can send secure messages, view calendars, join telehealth sessions, sign consents, and more!
    • Send mass announcements to notify alums of upcoming events and keep family members in the loop.
  • Say Hello to the Alleva Connect App
    • Increase engagement with your clients and maintain insight into their well-being.
    • Download the Connect App for your mobile device: Android or iPhone.
  • Say Hello to Telehealth
    • You can access built-in, HIPAA-compliant telehealth from the Scheduler with one click.
    • All invited parties will be automatically notified of meeting times and provided links to join. 

Fun Fact: A study found that if clients get a text message with a link to the event fifteen minutes before it starts, they're 50% more likely to attend. Alleva offers a built-in text reminder feature that automatically pings invitees one day before, one hour prior, and fifteen minutes before the event.

  • Say Hello to Medications
    • Our pharmacy-integrated medication management tool saves time and keeps track of inventory to optimize your workflows.

But wait—there's more! Learn all the ins and outs of our platform at your convenience with Alleva University. You'll have 24/7 access to instructional videos and step-by-step instructions on key topics and features. You can even get Alleva certified.

Thanks again for joining the Alleva team. We're excited to get to know you better, too!

April 21, 2023

Get #AllevaCertified

Master it all with our Super User Certification.

Posting your Alleva University certification on LinkedIn is a great way to promote yourself and your program. Your certification will be visible on your profile under the section "Licenses and Certifications."

Here's a quick guide to posting your certification:

Demonstrate continued learning and commitment to excellent care through your knowledge of the most advanced technology in the behavioral health space. Get answers to all your questions about:

Use the hashtag #AllevaCertified and share the news with your network!

February 21, 2023

Bridging the Gap: Mental Health and Physical Health

Historically, mental health and addiction treatment has been viewed as something completely different from standard health care.  When someone has physical pain, we encourage them to see a doctor, to get medication and the treatment they need so that they can begin to heal.  However, we often don’t know how to react when someone discloses emotional pain or addictive behavior.  

There seems to be a disconnect in our understanding of the source of mental illness and physical illness. The brain is a complex and powerful organ but it often goes unexamined when trying to help someone who expresses feelings of depression, anxiety, and other ailments that are neurologically based.

In truth, mental illness and physical illness are just illnesses.  They both affect us in similar ways and have been found to have effective treatments.  Recent developments in technology and science have allowed researchers to better understand the biochemistry and inner workings of the brain and have even allowed them to map out certain processes in the brain.

These advances allow treatment for mental illness and addiction to be on par with traditional medical practices.  By merging the two, the cultural view shifts, and mental health is perceived as essential to physical health. There’s no “one size fits all” treatment. Treatment options can include:

  1. Psychotherapy.
  2. Medication.
  3. Hospitalization.
  4. Support Group.
  5. Complementary & Alternative Medicine.
  6. Self Help Plan.
  7. Peer Support.

Dr. John V. Campo, chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at Ohio State University explains “Psychiatric drugs haven’t improved for decades. So researchers are scouring the brain for leads.  Proven regimens for treating common mental disorders and addictions are aiding the ‘cure’ rate and boosting public acceptance that such care works."

"Modern practices have the potential to improve public health and, perhaps equally important, engage families more actively in the care of individuals suffering from mental disorders and addictions."

Dr. John V. Campo

As research and development expand, and cultural attitudes evolve, more effective treatment options will be available for those in need. Trying to tell the difference between what expected behaviors are and what might be the signs of a mental health condition isn't always easy, but identifying a problem early can help lead to the best outcome.

September 16, 2022

Inside Outdoor Wilderness Therapy

Many people have been turning towards Outdoor Wilderness Therapy programs in recent years. They prove an effective approach to treatment and offer a unique experience for many seeking outside-the-box treatment plans. But how does this work, and what can a participant expect? 

“Go outside” 

A phrase parents and guardians may be sick of saying at this point. But for those whose adolescents and young adults struggle with mental health, behavioral health, and substance abuse, this phrase takes on a new meaning. Outdoor Wilderness Therapy offers prolonged care through a group setting, ensuring that loved ones are safe and in good hands while also experiencing the wilderness and preserving a sense of adventure.

Researchers are working to provide clinical evidence of the effectiveness of outdoor and adventure therapy, and the results are promising. In a study commissioned by Redcliff Ascent, Dr. Steven Aldana cited that “91.4% experienced clinically significant improvement.” This study found the rate of recovery for Outdoor Wilderness Therapy programs to be twice that of other treatment methods.

This outdoor approach has been greatly effective, but it is important to know what this type of treatment really is. Wilderness Therapy is more than just the stereotypical campfire songs and s’mores. So, how are Wilderness therapies conducted?


Two general models characterize the approaches to Wilderness Therapy- Contained and Continuous Flow. The contained flow model involves the same group of clients and guides living with and working together for up to three weeks during wilderness expeditions. In this model, the staff includes trained therapists and guides paired with a group of clients based on an assessment of the clients’ needs, concerns, and diagnoses.

On the other hand, the continuous flow model focuses on a rotation of therapy clients and staff members revolving around the readiness for discharge based on the therapeutic progress of clients. This method is similar to groups in psychiatric settings wherein the group continues to meet on a consistent basis, while participants in the group change over time as they make progress. The time frame for continuous flow groups may depend on the program, but typically lasts up to eight weeks. To promote safe care practices for staff, the continuous care model uses a rotation schedule of a number of days or weeks on and days or weeks off. 

Licensed therapists work with clients and staff in both contained and continuous flow models. Sessions are conducted either on-site (nomadically) or at “base camps” depending on how expeditions are conducted. Both contained and continuous flow models rely on patients’ interactions with each other and the wilderness to support and enhance their self-esteem, emotional regulation, positive mindsets, and communication skills.

Family Follow Through

A potentially overlooked portion of Wilderness Therapy is the necessary involvement of family or caregivers. While clients address their personal presenting concerns, these concerns often have roots in family relationships. In order for clients to make lasting progress, their loved ones must learn to make home a place to support the lasting care of the client through therapeutic intervention.

Often, clients cannot maintain positive changes unless their support system helps reinforce the changes made. This is especially true for the adolescent and young adult demographic who primarily frequent Wilderness Therapy. 


While evidence grows in support of Wilderness Therapy, challenges persist with funding, communication, and documentation in this outdoor setting. 

As with any therapeutic approach, funding may present a concern for practitioners, clients, families, and funding agencies. Families may find these programs quite difficult to afford if they are not covered by traditional insurance plans. Grants and scholarships may exist for these programs. However, acceptance for such funding options may be competitive. 

In addition, a common concern for therapy is the use of remote treatment teams to provide services. Wilderness Therapy presents the unique challenge of the treatment team being scattered throughout wilderness settings and having to provide for both the treatment and physical needs of patients. Consequently, therapists and expedition staff must stay in frequent communication about the strategies used in sessions and on the expeditions. 

Finally, the documentation of accurate records of client progress help justify the effectiveness of Wilderness Therapy. Documentation is critical because it helps assure that the methods of treatment on these expeditions are empirically based and effective.

The Solution

Although it may not seem so, advanced technology platforms can eliminate all of these concerns. Wilderness programs that have partnered with an EMR platform, such as Alleva, find it easier to keep track of clients, write and upload notes, engage with the team via the communication log, and access digital copies of all important documents. 

Through our commitment to being the friendliest EMR on the market, Alleva is changing the Wilderness Therapy game. Our versatility, state of the art cloud technology, and exceptional customer service make us the top choice for care providers and behavioral health facilities, no matter where they are located. Sleep soundly knowing that with Alleva on your team, you can get back to doing what you do best. Reach out today, and request a free demo!


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Copyright 2019 - Alleva Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2019 - Alleva Corp. All Rights Reserved.