May 12, 2017

Mental Health Awareness Month: Addressing Mental Health in Our Communities

The healthcare debate has been heated and long-lasting and for good reason. Americans are concerned about threats to their lifestyle and their lives. While discussing policies can be divisive, there is a discussion that we should be having that can receive bi-partisan support. May is Mental Health Awareness month, and although this initiative started in 1949, not many people seem to be aware. Mental illness is often associated with a negative stigma that can keep people from discussing issues that affect community members, friends, or family.

1 in 5 American adults are diagnosed with a mental illness each year. That statistic is disheartening considering the available treatment options and the fact that more than 50% of those diagnosed do not receive treatment.

On May 2nd, the White House released a statement addressing the need to increase awareness and instill the desire to help confront the stigma in acknowledgement of Mental Health Awareness Month.

“Addressing substance abuse, addiction, and overdose is often critical to improving mental health outcomes.  An estimated 8.1 million adults in America suffering with a mental illness also struggle with substance abuse.  Many of those who struggled with both were among the 52,000 people in our country who died from a drug overdose in 2015.  Approximately 44,000 Americans took their own lives in the past year, a preventable tragedy that frequently correlates with mental illness and substance abuse.”

So what can be done? How do we as members of the treatment community and as citizens make a difference?

Perhaps the most important role we can play is that of advocates. We should be engaging with policy makers in local, state, and federal government. Those who suffer from a mental illness can be very vulnerable and we can stand up for them and help them find their way towards the right treatment.

The White House statement continues, “No American should suffer in silence and solitude…. We must support those in need and remain committed to hope and healing.  Through compassion and committed action, we will enrich the spirit of the American people and improve the well-being of our Nation.”

May 12, 2017

May is Mental Health Month

Addiction recovery and mental health go hand in hand. In the United States, 20.2 million adults are experiencing a substance use disorder. Of those, 10.2 million have a co-occurring mental illness. This means that conditions like depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, bipolar, OCD and others are strongly associated with addiction. The purpose of Mental Health Month is to raise awareness and reduce stigma with regard to mental illnesses. This year, the focus of Mental Health Month is “Risky Business.” Mental Health America explains, “We believe it's important to educate people about habits and behaviors that increase the risk of developing or exacerbating mental illnesses or could be signs of mental health problems themselves. These include risk factors such as risky sex, prescription drug misuse, internet addiction, excessive spending, marijuana use, and troublesome exercise patterns1.”

Governmental institutions, social media platforms, non-profits, and individuals have joined together to reach people through screenings, events, and education.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness has published the following facts to help raise awareness during Mental Health Month:

NAMI-Taking-Charge-of-Your-Mental-HealthGeneralMHFacts (1)


Here’s what YOU can do:

  • Take NAMI’s “StigmaFree” pledge by committing to avoid labels and speak respectfully about mental illness.
  • Become educated about the prevalence of mental illnesses in the United States and even in your specific demographic. Be aware that 1 in 5 U.S. adults have mental illnesses.
  • Familiarize yourself with the resources available online as well as in your community.
  • Learn about “Risky Business” and conditions that are commonly co-occurring with mental illness, like eating disorders and substance use disorders.
  • Talk to friends and family about the things that you learn and encourage them to participate in Mental Health Month

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